Finding My Feet In The Blogosphere

Grab a cup of tea this is a long one…  When I first came about the world of blogging I was mind blown. There are actually people who write on their own terms about whatever hoo-har they want, and people actually read it? I couldn’t fathom how I had never heard of the blogosphere until…

Knowing Your Worth In a Relationship

By writing this post I am by no means saying I am a dating expert, nor am i saying I have the most idealistic relationship in the world — but there are a few things I have learnt from my own past experiences, as well as my friends and families experiences, when it comes to…

L’Oreal Infallible Shaping Stick Foundation – My Thoughts…

I remember being around 15 years old – awkwardly coming into myself, having no idea where and what direction my life was going to go in and what changes will come and go throughout my life. One thing I knew then and know now is my love for make-up and especially L’Oreal – ever since…

How I found Veganuary and what it has taught me

Disclaimer: If you are a meat-lover or an animal-hater or don’t have any curiosity in the world of Veganism, please don’t waste your time on reading this post. Of course, talking about this subject matter can raise a lot of questions and controversy, but I wanted to share why I decided to become vegetarian and…

Creating the 9 – 5 Job Mindset In the Comfort of Your Home.

I have always struggled to be a self reliant motivator, and to really utilise my time to the maximum capacity which really frustrates me and makes me feel like I am failing at being the productive person I aim to be. I also find myself lacking in getting into that concentrated mindset to get what…

2018 vs Instagram

We all know the impact social media has on our mental health and the pressure it provides us all on a daily basis, yet we are still so obsessed with it. Instagram, Facebook and Twitter have been apart of my daily life for the past five solid years, which is quite a scary thought and…

My easy healthy chocolate protein balls

I am sure you are already bored of hearing things about peoples 2018 news years resolutions, and I can guarantee 80% of the people reading this eye rolled, sighed and thought  ‘oh, not another one of these resolution posts please!’ Although it is an obligatory for many of us to give ourselves the hopeful –…

– RED ALERT – Mad About Red

As winter fast approaches it is apparent what the hottest winter trend is this year. Many designers have flooded our social media sites, advertisement and shops with a colour a lot of us are afraid to wear. Thanks to Vogue announcing this years best winter trend, there is no hiding from seeing this colour hit…

My perfume collection

I love when I first meet somebody and the first thing I get is a beautiful scent of their perfume, and when you foreseeably hear their name or see them pop up on your social media, you get that beautiful reminiscent of ‘their signiture scent’. Not as in how a dog recognises another dog at…